Easy Metallic Wall Art

These metallic wall art pieces will give a shine to any ordinary wall and it’s super easy to make yourself!

I love anything shiny, I’ll just admit that straight out of the gate. Don’t you (wink)?
So when I saw this metallic tape I knew I could put it to good use with an easy wall art idea.

Here’s what you’ll need:
-2 canvases
-Metallic tape
See, I told you it was super easy!

The hardest part is figuring out what pattern you what to create.

I was looking to fill a small space so I used 2 8×10 canvases.

First, you’ll want to lay out the tape by CAREFULLY pulling out a specific length. I use the word carefully because it can crinkle easily.

After you’ve cut each strip to the desired length, move them into position.

Now, here’s where you want to slowly pull the backing off the tape while “taping” it in place. You will have some lines and wrinkles (unless your Super woman) simply because that’s how this tape works.

My tip- move, adjust and pull as little as possible to avoid additional crinkles.

Although I just made 2 canvases, I now think 4 would look best… or a really big canvas.
I’ve heard of someone using this tape and applying it directly to their walls! I don’t think I would feel comfortable with that personally as it’s pretty sticky tape- who knows what will come off!

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