DIY Candy Corn Garland

DIY Candy Corn Garland adds a touch of sparkle with a whimsical flare.


Okay, so I love the look of candy corn. I could take them or leave them when it comes to eating them, but I think they look really cute! Maybe it’s the color blocking or simple triangle shape, either way this garland is super easy to make.

Grab the goods:
-Thick white foam ($1)
-Glitter yellow sticker foam ($1)
-Glitter orange sticker foam ($1)
-Glitter white sticker foam ($1)
-Black ribbon (probably already have some around your house)
Total= Less than $5! Gotta love Micheal’s 🙂

Draw out a basic triangle with rounded corners. I made mine 3-4 inches so I could get 8 pieces of candy corn out of my sheet. Trace your template onto the white foam. When you cut them out, take note that there is a slight difference between the front and back when it comes to the edges.




Take the same template and fold it into 3 parts. Then trace the template on the orange, yellow and white sparkle foam. I like to trace on the back so there’s no pencil marks showing. Cut out and here’s the super easy part… peel and stick!
*Tip- check each colored piece against the white base, and trim if needed while the sticker back is still ON. This will make it easy to cut and save your scissors from getting that icky sticky stuff on the blades.

Candy Corn Garland




Grab your black ribbon and make your candy corn pieces into a garland. Add a drop of hot glue to the back of each piece to secure them to the ribbon.
Now find the perfect place to hang your garland, and be sure it will gets some light shining on it so you can see it shimmer.






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