Coastal Wall Art- Water Color Sand Dollars

Water Color Sand Dollar Wall Art Pin

I know we are still getting to know each other, but one of my favorite things in the world- is the beach! It’s beauty and serenity is intoxicating. So naturally, I love to recreate that feeling at home whenever possible.
Merge that with my wall art fetish, and I present to you- Water Color Sand Dollar Shadow Box!

Item Set up for Water Color Sand Dollar Shadow Box

Things you’ll need:

-Shadow Box

-Sand Dollars or Sea Urchins

-Metallic Watercolor Pallet

First grab your brush (or Q-tip), cup of water and your pallet- let’s get started!

Second, take your first sand dollar (or sea urchin) and begin painting. I love these watercolors because the shimmer is present but not overwhelming. I choose to paint each one slightly different. For me- that looked like using less water and more strokes within the color similar colors.

Painting with Metallic Water Color- Sand Dollars

Third, combine all 9 pieces on top of the shadow box to arrange before gluing anything down. After you have them spaced apart to your liking, begin gluing them down. Make sure to include a generous amount of glue to each one, and hold it for a minute to ensure proper bonding.
I use hot glue for most projects but there are a few other options as well. Gorilla glue, tacky glue or an all adhesive glue would work as well.

Water Color Sand Dollar Wall Art

I hope you love your Chic Coastal Wall Art as much as I love mine 🙂


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